tags: ccna
IP Addressing
- layer 3 logical address assigned by an administrator(MAC built in NIC)
- used to identify specific devices on a network
- every device on the internet has a unique IP Address
Street Analogy
- network address portion
- identifies a specific network
- routers route traffic via routing tables, is based on network address(Network ID), not ip address
- host address portion
- identifies a specific endpoint on a network
- we can use a protocal such as ARP to find the host
- connectionless protocal: no sessions formd when transmitted, no status info
- packets treated independently
- may take different paths: load balancing, bandwidth, hopcount
- hierarchical addressing sturture
- best effort delivery
- format
- 32 bit with 4 octets
- like DHL or FedEx routing parcel based on an address
- Unicast Traffic
- A
- start with binary 0
- range from 0(00000000).0.0.0 to 127(01111111).255.255.255
- exceptions:
- 127 is reserved for loopback:
- 0 network is reserved for default network:
- actual range from to
- portions
- first 1 octets: Networks
- last 3 octests: Hosts
- B
- start with binary 10
- range from 128(10000000).0.0.0 to 191(10111111).255.255.255
- portions
- first 2 octets: Networks
- last 2 octests: Hosts
- C
- start with binary 110
- range from 192(11000000).0.0.0 to 223(11011111).255.255.255
- portions
- first 3 octets: Networks
- last 1 octests: Hosts
- A
- Multicast
- D
- start with binary 111
- D
- reserved for other purposes
- E
- start with binary 1111
- E
These classes replaced by Classless Inter-Domain Routing(CIDR) in 1993
Special Address
- Directed Broadcast Address
- host sends data to all device on a specific network
- binarys 1s in the entire host portion
- routers can route directed broadcast, disabled by default
- Denial of service attack(DDoS)
- Local Broadcast Address
- communicate with all device on local network
- address is all binary 1 (
- e.g. host requrest an IP address from an DHCP Server(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocal)
- always dropped by routers, configuring DHCP forwarding or DHCP relay
- Local Loopback Address
- let a system send a message to itself for testing
- to make sure that the TCP/IP stack is correctly installed
- typical use with IPv4
- class A
- anything in 127 range is deemd as loopback address: 16 million ip wasted
- also have IPv6 loopback suchas ::1, resolve the IPv4 wasted.
- routers and switchers can also be configured with a IP address on a loopback interface, which are not the same as local loopback address
Private Address
See RFC1918
- 1 class A networks
- 16 class B networks
- 256 class C networks
- Microsoft IPv4 Link Local Address
See RFC3927
- Automactic Private IP Address (APIPA)
- PC automatically chooses an IP address in range with no DHCP
- can immediately communicate using IP without configuration: only on LOCAL LINK
- non routable
Subnet Masks
- to determin the portion of address which is host and network
- Remote: different sebnet, reached via a default gateway
- Local: same subnet, communicate on local segment directly, does not require a default gateway
Class A, B and C have default masks:
- Class A:
- Class B:
- Class C:
Two simple rules, any address bits have corresponding mask bit:
- set to 1: represent the NETWORK ID
- set to 0: represent the HOST ID
To work out if another host is local or remote
- check network portion
- compare to the other host
Subnet mask need to be CONTIGUOUS:
CIDR Notation
- Replace classful IP Addressing
- Variable Length Subnet Mask(VLSM)
- Use notation rather than
- Vary Mask and allocate ip ranges dynamically instead of classful masks