compare to memcached
- support persistant volume
- support multiple data types
- pub/sub
- redis-cli: command line interface
- redis-sentinel: cluster managing tool
- redis-server: run server
- redis-benchmark: stress testing
- redis-check-aof: check AOF
- redis-check-dump: check RDB
Use redis.conf
. Docker official redis image not contain this file. Mount it yourself or through redis-server
- String: get, set, mget, mset
- Integer: incr, decr, setbit
- List: lpush, lrange, lpop
- Hash Map: hset, hget, hmset, hmget
- Set: sadd, smember, sdiff, sinter, sunion
use docker
Before start
To connect a container, you need to know the name
and the port
, in the associated networks to be able to discover the service.
There is no DNS resolution in docker deault bridge
network. In default network, you need to specify --link
to connect the containers. The --link
is a legacy feature.
Therefore, create a user-defined network is recommanded, it provide automatic DNS resolution.
Create a bridge newrok
1 2 |
docker network create test |
Run a redis instance in user-defined network
1 2 |
docker run --name redis -d --network test redis:4.0 |
Run a redis-cli connect to the redis instance
1 2 |
docker run -it --network test redis:4.0 redis-cli -h redis |
all commands are executed as a single isolated operation, serialized and executed sequentially
atomic: all failed or all succeed
- MULTI: open a transaction and always return OK
- EXEC: execute commands in transaction
- DISCARD: flush commands and exit transaction
- WATCH: check and set, if watched key changes, not execute
- before EXEC: e.g. syntax error
- after EXEC: e.g. value error
The pipeline discarding the transaction automatically if there was an error during the command queueing
… To be continued