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Kubernetes Short Notes(3)

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Cluster Maintainance

OS Upgrade

Pod Eviction Timeout

When the nodes was down for more than 5 minute(default) then the pods are terminated; pod will recreate if has replicaset

Drain, Cordon, Uncordon

We’re not sure the node will come back online in 5 minutes, therefore we can drain the node.

After the drained node upgraded and come back, it still unschedulable, uncordon the node to make it schedulable.

Note that the previouse pods won’t be automatically reschedule back to the nodes.

Cluster Upgrade

The core control plane components’s version can be different, but should follow certain rules:

  • the kube-api is the primary component, none of the other components’s version must not be higher than the kube-api
  • the components can be lower in 1-2 versions
    • kube-api: x
    • Controlloer-manager, kube-scheduler: x, x-1
    • kubelet, kube-proxy: x, x-1, x-2
  • the kubectl can be one version higher than kube-api: x+1, x, x-1

The kubernetes support only up to the recent 3 minor versions. The recommanded approch is to update one minor version at a time.

Update the cluster depend on how you deploy them:

  • cloud provider: few clicks at the UI
  • kubeadm: using upgrade argument (you should upgrade the kubeadm first!)
  • the hard way from scratch: manually upgrade components by yourself

Two major steps:

  1. upgrade master node, the control plane componets goes down, all management function are down, only the applications deploy on worker nodes keeps serving
  2. update worker nodes, with strategies:
    • upgrade all at once with downtimes
    • upgrade one at a time
    • create new nodes and remove the workloads, then finally remove old nodes

When you run command like kubectl get nodes, the VERSION is indicat the version of the kubelet

Backup and Restore

Master / Node DR

  • Cordon & drain
  • Provision replacement master / node


Option: Backup resources

Saving objects as a copy by query the kube-api

Option: Backup ETCD

Making copies of the ETCD data directory

Or use the etcd command line tool

  1. Make a snap shot

    Remember to specify the certification files for authentication
  2. Stop kube-api
  3. Restore snapshot

    When ETCD restore from a backup, it initialize a new cluster configuration and configures the members of ETCD as new members to a new cluster. This is to prevent a new member from accidentally joining an existing cluster.
    For example, using a snapshot to provision a new etcd-cluster from testing purpose. You don’t want the members in the new test cluster to accidentally join the production cluster.

  4. Configure the etcd.service with new data directory and new cluster token

    During a restore, you must provide a new cluster token and the same initial cluster configuration

  5. Restart ETCD service
  6. Start kube-api

Persistant Volume DR

You can’t relay on kubernetes to for backing up and restore persistant volumes.

If you’re using cloud provider specific persistant volumes like EBS volumes, Azure managed disks or GCE persistent disks, you should use cloud provider snapshot APIs

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Kubernetes Short Notes (2)

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Manual Scheduling

  • Bind the pod to node by nodeName property, before that, the pod stays in the Pending state

  • Manutal ways to bind:

    • specify the spec.nodeName, not updatable

    • create the Binding object


Use to group and select the objects, for example a ReplicaSet object configs:

  • metadata.labels sets the ReplicaSet itself
  • spec.template.metadata.lables sets the Pod
  • spec.selector.matchLabels defines how ReplicaSet to discover the Pod


Use to record other details for intergration purpose e.g. build info, contact details



Limit pods without tolerations cannot get scheduled to a tainted node

  • Taint the nodes

  • Set the pods’ tolerance, three behavior are avaliable if not tolerant:

    • NoSchedule

  • PreferNoSchedule: not guaranteed
  • NoExecute: new pods=NoSchedule, existed pods=evicted

Note the value in tolerations keys must use double quotes

Node Selector

Limit the pod to get scheduled to one kind of node only

  • Lable the node
  • Set the nodeSelector

Note there is no OR or NOT conditions, use node affinity instead

Node Affinity

Limit the pod to get scheduled to one or more particular nodes

  • Lable the node
  • Set the nodeAffinity
  • operators: In, NotIn, Exists, DoesNotExist, Gt, Lt
  • 3 types

Combines the Taint/Toleration with NodeSelector or NodeAffinity to cover the scenarios



  • The scheduling base on the resource requests
  • By default, k8s assumes a pod requires 0.5 cpu and 256Mi memory


  • By default, k8s limit a pod to 1 cpu and 512Mi memory
  • When a pod try to exceed resources beyond the limit
    • cpu: k8s throttles the cpu won’t kill
    • memory: k8s kill the pod with OOM

Static Pods

Use in creating control plane components (kube admin tools)

Without the intervention from the kube-api server, the kubelet can manage a node independently by monitor config files in the file system, and be able to create, recreate, update and delete the POD only object

  • –pod-manifest-path=/etc/Kubernetes/manifest
  • –config=kubeconfig.yaml (staticPodPath)

While the static pod created, the kube-api only get a readable mirror and not have the ability to update/delete it

Multiple Scheduler

  • copy the kube-scheduler configs from /etc/kubernetes/manifests
  • rename the scheduler --scheduler-name
  • if one master nodes with multiple scheduler:
    • set the --leader-elect=false
  • if multiple masters with multiple scheduler, only one scheduler can active at a time
    • set the --leader-elect=true
    • set the --lock-object-name to differentiate the custom scheduler from default if multiple master
  • specify the scheduler for pod by schedulerName
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Kubernetes Short Notes (1)

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Cluster Architecture

Master Node

  • ETCD cluster
  • kube-scheduler
  • kube-controller-manager

These components communicate via kube-api server

Worker Node

  • container runtime engine, e.g. Docker, Rocket, ContainerD
  • kubelet: agent that runs and listen for instructions from kube-api
  • containers

The services deploy within worker nodes communicate with each other via kube-proxy



  • a distributed reliable key-value store
  • client commuications on port 2379
  • server to server on port 2380


  • primary management component

  • setup:

    1. using kube-admin tools

      • deploy kube-api as a pod in kube-system namespace

      • the manifests is at /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml

      • the options is at /etc/systemd/system/kube-apiserver.service

      • search for kube-apiserver process on master node

  • example: apply deployment using kubectl

    1. authenticates user

  • validate the HTTP requests
  • the kube-scheduler monitored the changes from the kube-api, then:
    • retrieve the node information from kube-api

  • schedule the pod to some node through kube-api to kubelet

  • update the pod info to ETCD
  • kube-controller-manager

    • continuously monitors the state of components
    • the controllers packages into a single process called Kube-Controller-Manager, which includes:
      1. deployment-controller, cronjob, service-account-controller …
      2. namespace-controller, job-contorller, node-controller …
      3. endpoint-controller, replicaset, replication-controller(replica set) …
    • remediate situation


    • decide which pod goes to which node
      1. filter nodes
      2. rank nodes


    • follow the instruction from kube-scheduler to controll the container runtime engine (e.g. docker) that run or remove a container
    • using kube-admin tools to deploy cluster, the kubelet are not installed by default in worker nodes, need intstall manually


    • runs on each nodes in the cluster
    • create iptables rules on each nodes to forward traffic heading to the IP of the services to the IP of the actual pods
    • kube-admin tool deploy kube-proxy as daemonset in each nodes


    • the container are encapsulated into a pod
    • is a single instance of an application, the smallest object in k8s
    • containers in same pod shares storages and network namespaces, created and removed in the same time
    • multi-container pod is rare use case


    • apiVersion support in v1
    • the process to monitor the pods
    • maintain the HA and specified number of pods that running on all nodes
    • only care about the pod which RestartPolicy is set to Always
    • scalable and replacable application should be managed by the controller
    • use cases: rolling updates, multiple release tracks (multiple replication controller replica the same pod but using different labels)


    • next generation of ReplicationController
    • api version support in apps/v1
    • enhance the filtering in .spec.selector (the major difference)
    • be aware of the non-template pod that has same lables
    • using Deployment as a replacement is recommended, it own and manage its ReplicaSets


    • provide replication vis replicaset and other:
      • rolling update
      • rollout
      • pause and resume


    • namespaces created at cluster creation

      1. kube-system

    • kube-public
    • default
    • each namespace can be assigned quota of resources

    • a DNS entry with SERVICE_NAME.NAMESPACE.svc.cluster.local format is automatically created when at service creation

      1. the cluster.local is the default domain name of the cluster

    • permanently config the namespace

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    compare to memcached

    • support persistant volume
      • RDB
      • AOF
    • support multiple data types
    • pub/sub


    • redis-cli: command line interface
    • redis-sentinel: cluster managing tool
    • redis-server: run server
    • redis-benchmark: stress testing
    • redis-check-aof: check AOF
    • redis-check-dump: check RDB


    Use redis.conf. Docker official redis image not contain this file. Mount it yourself or through redis-server arguments.


    • String: get, set, mget, mset
    • Integer: incr, decr, setbit
    • List: lpush, lrange, lpop
    • Hash Map: hset, hget, hmset, hmget
    • Set: sadd, smember, sdiff, sinter, sunion

    use docker

    Before start

    To connect a container, you need to know the name and the port, in the associated networks to be able to discover the service.

    There is no DNS resolution in docker deault bridge network. In default network, you need to specify --link to connect the containers. The --link is a legacy feature.

    Therefore, create a user-defined network is recommanded, it provide automatic DNS resolution.

    Create a bridge newrok

    Run a redis instance in user-defined network

    Run a redis-cli connect to the redis instance


    all commands are executed as a single isolated operation, serialized and executed sequentially
    atomic: all failed or all succeed

    • MULTI: open a transaction and always return OK
    • EXEC: execute commands in transaction
    • DISCARD: flush commands and exit transaction
    • WATCH: check and set, if watched key changes, not execute


    • before EXEC: e.g. syntax error
    • after EXEC: e.g. value error

    The pipeline discarding the transaction automatically if there was an error during the command queueing

    … To be continued


    • Ops


    Store and retrieve data in memory(not persistent) base on specific hash function.


    • Slab: allocate as many pages as the ones available

    • Page: a memory area of default 1MB which contains as many chunks

    • Chunk: minimum allocated space for a single item

    • LRU: least recently used list

    ref: Journey to the centre of memcached

    we could say that we would run out of memory when all the available pages are allocated to slabs

    memcached is designed to evict old/unused items in order to store new ones

    every item operation (get, set, update or remove) requires the item in question to be locked

    memcached only tries to remove the first 5 items of the LRU — after that it simply gives up and answers with OOM (out of memory)

    Read More »Memcached

    IP Subnetting

    • Ops

    Something you need to know first: Binary Odometer + 1 = + 1 = + 1 =

    in reverse: – 1 =

    Example 1 or with the mask

    Binary Method

    image alt

    Quick Method

    Figure out the subnets:

    1. network and host split in third octect
    2. subtract: 256 – 240 = 16, it means that network are incrementing in values of 16: 0, 16, 32, 48…
    3. 35 in the range of 32 and 48, so is on subnet; next subnet is

    First subnet =

    Next subnet =

    Broadcast address = next subnet – 1

    First host = Subnet + 1

    Last host = Broadcast – 1


    • Class A subnetting ( support 1677214 (2^24) host per network, that way too much
    • Class B subnetting ( support 16382 (2^16) host per network, that way too much
    • Class C subnetting ( support 254 (2^8) host, more likely we subnet down to at least 254 hosts or even further

    If you subnetting a network only has 2 hosts, you can subnet with ( or CIDR as /31

    Network, host number

    • Networks: 2^(network bits)
      • one allocate for the subnet
      • one allocate for the broadcast
    • Hosts: 2^(host bits) – 2

    Subnetting to be short

    1. “stealing” or “taking away” bits from the host portion of an address, and
    2. allocating those bits to network portion

    Example 2

    Origin network need at least 30 subnets as many hosts as possible


    1. draw the line with /18 to split network and host
    2. 2^5 > 30, need 5 subnet bit, draw the line to split subnet and host
    3. network/subnet portion is 8+8+7=23 bits, host portion is 32-23=9 bits
    • First subnet:
    • Second subnet:
    • Last subnet: