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Travis Shen

深入理解 Nginx 讀書筆記 (第一章)

  • Dev, Ops

為什麼選擇 Nginx

  1. 更快: 1)單次請求更快響應 2) 在高峰期比其他服務器更快響應
  2. 高擴展性: 1)由耦合度極低模塊組成 2)模塊皆嵌入到2進制文件中執行
  3. 高可靠性: 1)模塊穩定 2)進程相對獨立 3)worker出錯可快速輪替
  4. 低內存消耗: 1)10,000個非活躍 HTTP Keep-Alive 連接僅消耗 2.5 MB
  5. 高併發: 1)單機支援 100,000 以上連接
  6. 熱部署: 1)基於 master 與 worker 進程分離 2)服務不間斷下,進行升級可執行元件、配置及更換日誌
  7. BSD 許可協議



  1. Linux 內核版本 2.6 以上 (須靠 epoll 處理高併發)
  2. GCC 編譯器編譯 C 語言


  1. G++,用來編譯 C++ 以編寫 HTTP 模塊
  2. PCRE(Perl 兼容正則表達式),用來在配置文件中使用正則表達式,pcre-devel 是使用 PCRE 做二次開發所需
  3. zlib, 用來對 HTTP 內容做 gzip 壓縮,減少網路傳輸量
  4. OpenSSL,支持 SSL 協議,或想使用 MD5 或 SHA 雜湊


  1. 源代碼目錄
  2. 編譯中間文件(置於源碼目錄底下,命名為objs)
  3. 部署目錄(莫認為 /usr/local/nginx)
  4. 日誌目錄

Linux 內核參數優化

  1. 須要修改內核參數,使得 Nginx 可以擁有更高的性能
  2. 通常根據業務特性進行調整,作為內容服務器、反向代理,或是提供縮圖用的服務器,會做不同調整

Read More »深入理解 Nginx 讀書筆記 (第一章)

Rabbitmq Exchange and its Types

  • Dev



Message routing agents.

Messages are not published directly to a queue. Instead, the publisher sends messages to an exchange.

Defined by the virtual host within RabbitMQ.

Predefined default exchanges are created at server starts.

Clients can create their own exchanges.

Exchange parameters:

  • type
  • name
  • durability
  • auto-delete (once last bound object is unbound from the exchange)


Link between an exchange and a queue.

Use message attributes: routing key, header to route to the messages to queue(s).

Exchange Types

default exchange

No name. (usually referred by an empty string)

Every queue is automatically bound to the default exchange.

Binding key will be the queue name.

direct exchange

Similar to default exchange, but got a name and the bindings are not created automatically.

A message goes to the queue(s) with the binding key that exactly matches the routing key of the message.

fanout exchange

Routing key doesn’t have any effect.

Route message to all queues.

topic exchange

Similar to direct exchange, but use binding pattern not binding key.

A message goes to the queue(s) with the binding pattern that matches the routing key of the message.


header exchange

Similar to direct exchange, but use message header not routing key; use binding header not binding key

If x-match=all, then all header attributes should match

If x-match=any, then any header attributes match counts



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HBase Basics

  • Ops

Apache HBase is an open source, scalable, consistent, low latency, random access data store

Source from Infinite Skills


Horizontally Scalable

Linear increase in servers results in linear increases in storage capacity and I/O operations


CAP Trade off

In CAP theory, Hbase is more likely a CP type of system

  • Consistency: ACID(atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) garantees on rows
  • Availability: Response time 2-3ms from cache, 10-20ms from disk
  • Partition Tolerance: Failures don’t block system. It might take longer to response to maintain consistency


Apache ZooKeeper

  • Use for distributed coordination of leaders for high availability
  • Optimized to be highly avaiable for reads
  • Not designed to scale for high write throughput

Apache Hadoop HDFS

  • Provide data durability and reliability
  • Optimized for sequential reads and writes of large files
  • Does not provide random updates, only simple API for rando reads
  • Cannot scale tens of billions of small entities (less then a few hundred MB)

Both system have their strengths but do not individually provide the same properties as HBase

Random Access

Optimized for small random reads

  • Entities indexed for efficient random reads

Optimized for high throughput random writes

  • Updates without requiring read
  • Random writes via Log Structured Merge (LSM)

Short History

Inspired from Google’s Bigtable

Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data(2006)


Datastore for Google’s Web Crawl Table

  • Store web page content
  • Web URL as key
  • Use MapReduce to find links and generate backlinks
  • Calculate page rank to build the Google index

Later, it also used as backend for Gmail, GA, Google Earth etc.

Hadoop HDFS

Inspired by Google distributed file system GFS


Since 2009, many compaies (Yahoo, Facebook, eBay etc.) chose to use HBase for large scale production use case

In 2015, Google announced BigTable with HBase 1.0 compatible API support for its compute engine users

2017, HBase 2.0.0

2020, HBase 3.0.0

Despite being bucketed into NoSQL category of data storage, some of intresting are moving NoSQL back to SQL, by using HBase as a storage engine for SQL compliant OLTP database system.

Use case

HBase’s strengths are its ability to scale and sustain high write throughputs

Many HBase apps are:

  • Ports from RDBMS to HBase
  • New low-latency big data apps

How to Porting RDBMS to HBase?

  • Many RDBMS are painful to scale
  • Scale up is no longer pratical for massive data
  • Data inconsistency was not acceptable when scaling reads
  • Operationally gets more complicated as the number of replicas increases
  • Operational techniques not sufficient when scaling writes

To make it easier to scale, we need to discard the fundamental features that RDBMS provides, such as:

  • text search (LIKE)
  • joins
  • foreign keys and avoid constraint checks

Changing the schema, make it only contains denormalized tables, we won’t incur replication IO when sharding the RDBMS

Now you’re relatively straightforward porting RDBMS to HBase

Why choosing HBase instead?

  • When your apps need high wirte and read throughput
  • When you tired of RDMS’s fragile scaling operations

Data Volumes

  • Entity data: information about the current state of a particular persion or thing
  • Event data(or time series data): Records events that are generally spaced over many time intervals

Data volume explods when we need both of them

HBase or Not

Q: Does your app expect new data to be vailable immediately after an update?

  • Yes: Use HBase
    • When data queried, must reflect the most recent values
    • Expect query responses in milliseconds
  • No: No need for HBase

Q: Whether your app analytical or operational?

  • Analytical: Not optimal for HBase
    • Look for large set of data
    • Often filter for particular time range
    • Better choose Hadoop
  • Operational: Use HBase
    • Look for single or small set of entities

Q: Does your app expect updates to be available immediately after an update?

  • Yes: Use HBase
    • Frequently modified
    • Pinpoint deletes
    • Updates must be reflected within milliseconds
  • No: No need for HBase
    • Data is append-only
    • Deletes in bulk or never
    • Updates can be ignored until the next report is run


Workload HBase Hadoop
Low Latency 1ms from cache 10ms from disk 1min vis MR/Spark 1s via Impala
Random Read Rowkey is primary index The small file problem
Short Scan Sorted and efficient Bespoke partitioning can help
Full Scan Possible but non-optimal Improved pref w/MR on snapshots Optimized with MR, Hive, Impala
Updates Optimized Not supported

Read More »HBase Basics


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Kubernetes Short Notes(4)

  • Ops
tags: k8s


Networking for Linux Basics

Network Switch

A switch is a device in a computer network that connects other devices together, can only enable a communication within a network

Host A([eth0] &harr Switch( &harr [eth0]Host B(


A router is a device/service that provides the function of routing IP packets between networks

Switch( <–> []Router[] <–> Switch(


A gateway (in network terms) is a router that describes the function for connectivity

Default Gateway

If none of these forwarding rules in the routing table is appropriate for a given destination address, the default gateway is chosen as the default router of last resort

Forwording packets between interfaces

By default in linux, packets are not forwarded from one interface to the next, for security reasons

Explicity allow it

Persists the settings


Translate host name to IP address by configure the /etc/hosts

When a environment has too many entries and IP address are not persistent, we need a DNS server

The host will lookup an entry in /etc/hosts first, then lookup in the DNS. This order can be changed by configure file /etc/nsswitch.conf

You can configure the DNS server to forward unknown host name to the public name server in the Internet, for example reach

private DNS → Root DNS → .com DNS → google DNS → cache the result

When looking for a host in the same domain, we want to simple use the host name not the full name, such as using web not, therefore we specify the domain name you want to append in /etc/resolv.conf

There are records stores in DNS with specific types:

  • A: ipv4
  • AAAA: ipv6
  • CNAME: name to name mapping

You can use tools like nslookup, dig to debug, note that nslookup only query from dns, not files

There are plenty DNS solutions, such as CoreDNS, except configure from files, CoreDNS supports other ways of configuring DNS entries through plugins like kubernetes

Network Namespace

A namespace is a way of scoping a particular set of identifiers

Linux provides namespaces for networking and processes, if a process is running within a process namespace, it can only see and communicate with other processes in the same namespace

Linux starts up with a default network namespace

Each network namespace has its own routing table and has its own set of iptables

Connect namespaces together using a virtual Ethernet pair (or virtual cable, pipe)

When there more of namespaces need connected, use a virtial switch to create a virtial network. There few solutions:

  • Linux Bridge
  • Open vSwitch


When a private virtual network need to reach the outer network, it need a gateway, the host is the gateway

For destination network to response, enable NAT on host acting as a gateway.

Add a new rule in the NAT IP table in the POSTROUTING chain to masquerade or replace the from address on all packets coming from the source network with its own IP address.

Thus anyone receiving these packets outside the network will think that they are coming from the host and not from within the namespaces

Add a route using default gateway to outside world

For outside world to reach the namespace in a private network, add a port forwarding rule using IP tables to say any traffic coming to port 80 on the localhost is to be forwarded to port 80 on the IP assigned to the namespace

Read More »Kubernetes Short Notes(4)